Governor Chris Sununu Says Everyone in Washington Should Be Fired | Working Capital

08 Aug 2024 (7 months ago)
Governor Chris Sununu Says Everyone in Washington Should Be Fired | Working Capital

Chris Sununu's Views on Government and Politics

  • Chris Sununu, the Republican governor of New Hampshire, believes that the members of Congress and the Senate should be fired.
  • He criticizes the lack of connectivity and outcomes in Washington, D.C. and believes that governors, regardless of party affiliation, are too hesitant to use their power.

Sununu's Approach to Governing

  • Chris Sununu, the governor of New Hampshire, describes his approach to governing as focused on good management, system design, and customer service.
  • He emphasizes that while he believes in good fiscal management, he does not believe that government should be run like a business.
  • Sununu believes that government should not be responsible for solving all of citizens' problems, but rather should focus on providing good service and meeting the needs of the people.
  • He acknowledges the importance of checks and balances in government, stating that his ideas should be subject to scrutiny and revision if necessary.

Sununu's Views on the Political Landscape

  • Sununu believes that the political landscape has changed drastically since 2008, with social media and the internet playing a significant role in how people consume and use information.
  • He expresses concern about the extreme polarization and misinformation that is prevalent in today's political climate.
  • Sununu believes that the average person has become increasingly trusting of information found on the internet, and that mainstream media has contributed to this trend by becoming more partisan.
  • The speaker believes that media outlets often prioritize partisan content over objective reporting.

Sununu's Views on the Republican Party

  • The speaker believes that the Republican party is defined by Donald Trump and that his influence will continue to be felt even after he leaves office.
  • The speaker acknowledges that he has criticized Trump in the past but prefers a Republican administration to a liberal one.
  • The speaker believes that the Republican party has returned to Donald Trump because many Republicans see the liberal media and establishment as their primary enemies.

Sununu's Views on the Democratic Party

  • The speaker believes that the Democratic party has a long-term problem with extremism and ultra-progressivism.

Sununu's Views on the Role of Government

  • The speaker believes that local government has a greater impact on people's lives than the federal government.
  • The speaker believes that New Hampshire's emphasis on local control and individual freedom is a key part of its identity.
  • The speaker believes that the role of government is to provide safety nets and opportunities, but not to control people's lives.

Sununu's Views on the 2024 Presidential Election

  • The speaker considered running for president but ultimately decided to focus on being a good host for the candidates in New Hampshire.
  • The speaker endorsed Nikki Haley for president and believes that she would have been a strong candidate.
  • The speaker believes that President Biden should be winning the presidency by a large margin, but his performance has been poor.
  • The speaker does not believe that the events of January 6th disqualify Donald Trump from being a viable political candidate.
  • The speaker believes that the average voter is more concerned with issues like inflation and the border crisis than with the Trump trial.
  • The speaker believes that the average voter's concerns are not being heard or respected by the media.

Sununu's Views on the Political Process

  • The speaker feels that he is reflecting the views of a significant portion of the American public, and that criticism directed at him is often a reflection of disapproval of those views.
  • The speaker compares his role as governor to running a large non-profit organization.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of fiscal responsibility and treating taxpayer money with respect.
  • The speaker acknowledges the challenges and stresses of being a governor, including the constant need to work and the pressure of running for re-election.
  • The speaker believes that the current state of Washington D.C. is a "farce" and a "punchline to a never-ending joke."
  • The speaker advocates for focusing on local and state government, where people have more trust.
  • The speaker acknowledges that many Americans are unhappy with both major party nominees, but emphasizes that they were chosen by their respective parties.
  • The speaker expresses optimism about the American people and their right to vote, despite frustrations with the political process.
  • The speaker believes that not all politicians are obsessed with the White House and that the political process can be difficult on families.
  • The speaker recognizes hypocrisy in government and politics, but believes that many politicians are genuinely trying to achieve positive results.

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