S3 E4: Special Districts, 2016 Election & Texas Republicans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
02 Jul 2024 (8 months ago)

Republican Party in Disarray
- Donald Trump continues to win primaries, causing prominent Republicans to publicly criticize him.
- Trump made a crude reference to his penis during a presidential debate in response to criticism of his hands.
Controversial Local Elections in Texas
- Robert Morrow, who made vulgar and offensive statements, was elected in local elections in Texas.
- Mary Lou Brunner, who holds extreme views on global warming and evolution, was also elected.
Lands' End Controversy
- Lands' End featured an interview with feminist Gloria Steinem in its spring catalog, sparking backlash from both pro-life and pro-choice customers.
- The clothing company has since apologized.
Special Districts: Lack of Oversight and Accountability
- Special Districts are small units of government with the power to collect taxes for a specific purpose.
- There are about 40,000 Special Districts in the country, accounting for approximately $100 billion in annual spending.
- These districts often lack public awareness and understanding, leading to insufficient accountability and oversight.
- Some Special Districts have been found to be corrupt or wasteful, resulting in the misuse or theft of taxpayer funds.
- The lack of oversight can cause issues such as inconsistent water billing, misspending of funds, and even corruption.
Special Districts: Creation and Dissolution
- Special Districts are small governments created to provide a specific service and collect taxes for that purpose.
- They are often referred to as "ghost governments" due to their lack of oversight.
- Special Districts can be easily established, sometimes with only two people voting.
- Dissolving these districts is challenging, and they may continue to exist indefinitely.
Special Districts: Reforms and Problems
- Some states are working to reform Special Districts to enhance transparency and accountability.
- Special Districts can be problematic when they fail to deliver adequate services or are not held responsible for their actions.