S4 E19: Alex Jones, John McCain & Transgender Military Ban: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

26 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)
S4 E19: Alex Jones, John McCain & Transgender Military Ban: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Trump Administration

Alex Jones and Infowars

  • Alex Jones, who has a large following and whose show was even frequented by Donald Trump, is known for his outlandish claims and aggressive rhetoric. (11m41s)
  • Alex Jones frequently promotes and sells products on his 4-hour show. (13m54s)
  • Jones sells a variety of products on his website under the brand Infowars Life, including survival gear, toiletries, supplements, and a chocolate drink mix called Caveman True Paleo Formula with Bone Broth. (15m22s)
  • Two-thirds of Jones' funding reportedly comes from the sale of these products. (16m50s)
  • Alex Jones sells a variety of health supplements, including a vitamin D3 product that is significantly more expensive than comparable products on the market. (23m41s)
  • Alex Jones claims that his business makes just enough money to keep running, stating that "the money that's made is pretty much put back into things." (24m45s)
  • Despite claiming financial hardship, former employees have described Jones' business as "thriving," with one stating that he "can sell 500 supplements in an hour." (26m5s)
  • Jones has been observed wearing luxury items, including multiple Rolex watches, one estimated to be worth around $88,000. (26m18s)
  • Alex Jones sells chocolate-flavored chicken juice for $45 a jar. (31m43s)

Dr. Edward Group III and his Products

  • Dr. Edward Group III promotes a product that he claims can help with a variety of ailments, including abdominal pain, allergies, headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, and nervousness. (19m46s)
  • Alex Jones defends Dr. Group's credentials, stating that he has degrees from MIT and other institutions, although this is later revealed to be inaccurate. (20m43s)


  • Studies show that vigorously applying the "taint wipe" causes a sensation that distracts the brain from previous thoughts. (30m14s)
  • The speaker claims to have physically been to MIT. (30m38s)

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