S4 E19: Alex Jones, John McCain & Transgender Military Ban: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
26 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)

Trump Administration
- President Trump announced a ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military. (1m43s)
- Republican senators voted on repealing Obamacare, with Senator John McCain casting the deciding "no" vote. (3m56s)
- Anthony Scaramucci, whose nickname is "The Mooch", was appointed White House Communications Director. (5m21s)
- Anthony Scaramucci, in a conversation with a reporter, made comments about Steve Bannon that news networks found difficult to report. (7m16s)
- Donald Trump, despite having no major legislative accomplishments and limited understanding of his role, shows no public indication of acknowledging any shortcomings in his performance as President. (8m11s)
Alex Jones and Infowars
- Alex Jones, who has a large following and whose show was even frequented by Donald Trump, is known for his outlandish claims and aggressive rhetoric. (11m41s)
- Alex Jones frequently promotes and sells products on his 4-hour show. (13m54s)
- Jones sells a variety of products on his website under the brand Infowars Life, including survival gear, toiletries, supplements, and a chocolate drink mix called Caveman True Paleo Formula with Bone Broth. (15m22s)
- Two-thirds of Jones' funding reportedly comes from the sale of these products. (16m50s)
- Alex Jones sells a variety of health supplements, including a vitamin D3 product that is significantly more expensive than comparable products on the market. (23m41s)
- Alex Jones claims that his business makes just enough money to keep running, stating that "the money that's made is pretty much put back into things." (24m45s)
- Despite claiming financial hardship, former employees have described Jones' business as "thriving," with one stating that he "can sell 500 supplements in an hour." (26m5s)
- Jones has been observed wearing luxury items, including multiple Rolex watches, one estimated to be worth around $88,000. (26m18s)
- Alex Jones sells chocolate-flavored chicken juice for $45 a jar. (31m43s)
Dr. Edward Group III and his Products
- Dr. Edward Group III promotes a product that he claims can help with a variety of ailments, including abdominal pain, allergies, headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, and nervousness. (19m46s)
- Alex Jones defends Dr. Group's credentials, stating that he has degrees from MIT and other institutions, although this is later revealed to be inaccurate. (20m43s)