Relationship Advice of the Investor Sort with Meghan Reynolds of Altimeter | E2008
14 Sep 2024 (4 months ago)
Meghan Reynolds takes the stage at Liquidity Summit 2024 (0s)
- It is currently the most challenging period in 25 years to secure capital. (34s)
- Limited partners (LPs) possess a sophisticated understanding of investments and will carefully assess deal size and market conditions. (19s)
- When pitching, avoid referring to deals as bets. (30s)
Meghan Reynolds’ talk, “Relationship Advice: Of the LP / GP Sort” (3m7s)
- The most important factor for investors is not returns, but rather effective communication, which fosters trust, mutual benefit, and shared insights. (5m50s)
- When conveying negative news, prioritize informing employees first, followed by Limited Partners (LPs), then portfolio company CEOs, and lastly, potential employees and other relevant parties. (8m49s)
- General Partners (GPs) should avoid assuming that LPs thoroughly read annual reports and should instead highlight important information through various channels like texts, WhatsApp messages, and multiple emails. (9m20s)
LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit (9m43s)
- LinkedIn is a valuable marketing channel for startups because it allows precise targeting of business decision-makers. (9m57s)
- LinkedIn ads offer a high return on investment compared to other social media platforms, with 79% of B2B content marketers reporting strong results. (10m27s)
- A $100 credit is available for new LinkedIn ad campaigns by visiting (10m50s)
Client service in investor relations and fundraising strategies (10m59s)
- Client service in investing involves empathy, understanding that investors have their own stakeholders to communicate with, and treating all investors equally, regardless of their investment size. (11m25s)
- Transparency is crucial in investor relations, and providing clear information about portfolio risks and potential upside can earn significant goodwill from investors. (12m12s)
- Fundraising success is heavily influenced by word-of-mouth and the satisfaction of existing investors, making good investor relations essential for attracting new capital. (12m42s)
The complexity factor in raising capital (15m7s)
- Limited Partners (LPs) will provide the necessary capital if a fund has a rational size. (15m39s)
- General Partners (GPs) should clearly articulate their differentiation in five key areas: sourcing, picking, portfolio construction, adding value, and exiting. (16m5s)
- GPs should prioritize investor relations and treat it as a continuous process, similar to sales and customer service in a company. (18m37s)
Runway - Sign up at to get your first 3 months free. (19m19s)
- Runway is a financial management software designed for startups. (19m34s)
- Runway integrates with accounting, HR, and other data sources to provide accurate financial modeling and reporting. (19m51s)
- Startups can sign up on Runway's website to receive a free 3-month trial. (20m27s)
Rationalizing fund size, securing re-ups, and worst pitching practices (20m36s)
- Fund size should be determined by market opportunity and optimal portfolio construction for maximum returns, not arbitrary goals. (20m48s)
- Secure re-ups from existing investors and seek referrals, as warm introductions are more effective than cold outreach, especially with institutional investors who often face an overwhelming volume of unsolicited inquiries. (21m0s)
- Avoid underselling investment performance, clearly articulate successes, and refrain from claiming disinterest in financial success, as investors seek motivated fund managers. (22m7s)
Market sentiment and single deal SPV dynamics (25m55s)
- Single deal Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) are becoming increasingly prevalent, offering investors access to specific deals with minimum investments as low as $55,000. (26m18s)
- Limited Partners (LPs) are expressing skepticism towards Venture Capital (VC) firms that offer SPVs for a significant portion of their fund investments, questioning the VC firm's conviction in the deal if they are willing to offload a large amount of the risk. (27m7s)
- While there is still a significant amount of dry powder available, LPs are hesitant to invest in venture capital due to concerns about high valuations, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence (AI), leading to a "wait and see" approach. (28m11s)
Beehiiv - Get 30 days free and 20% off your first 3 months (29m34s)
- Beehiiv is an all-in-one platform that powers newsletters and provides features to help grow subscriber bases. (29m54s)
- Beehiiv offers an AI Post Builder feature that assists with writing by taking inputs and optimizing content for maximum impact. (30m20s)
- Beehiiv is affordable, starting at $39 a month, and offers a 30-day free trial plus 20% off the first 3 months. (30m46s)
VC allocations, private credit, and market dynamics (31m2s)
- Private credit is currently experiencing a boom, but tougher times are expected in the future. (31m9s)
- Two years prior, very few people in venture capital were familiar with the term DPI (distributions to paid-in capital), but now it is a widely understood metric. (32m0s)
- Limited partners (LPs) are now primarily interested in investing in funds that can demonstrate a track record of successful exits and distributions. (32m27s)