The Top 7 Belly Fat Burning Hacks For 2024 That Are PROVEN To Work!

29 Dec 2023 (1 year ago)
The Top 7 Belly Fat Burning Hacks For 2024 That Are PROVEN To Work!


  • The speaker discusses the most replayed moments on the podcast and highlights that the upcoming information will be a compilation of the most valuable moments from the show in 2020.

Gaining more weight when we age & how to keep it off

  • Aging causes natural weight gain, with the average person gaining about 1-2 pounds a year between the ages of 20 and 50.
  • Resistance training and maintaining muscle mass is crucial for healthy aging.
  • Recommended dietary guidelines for sustainable weight loss include focusing on protein intake, consuming ample fiber, and limiting added sugars to 5% or less of daily energy content.

The best weight loss diets

  • Dr. Mindy Pels discusses the belly fat burning diet
  • Intermittent fasting for weight loss and brain fog
  • Autophagy fasting for balancing sex hormones and preventing illness
  • Gut reset fast based on a study from MIT to repair gut microbiome
  • Fat burner fast for weight loss by triggering autophagy and reducing inflammation
  • Dopamine reset fast to reboot the dopamine system and reduce food addiction
  • Immune reset fast to strengthen the immune system and repair the body

The relationship between sleep & weight gain

  • Sleep affects appetite regulating hormones, leptin and ghrelin
  • Insufficient sleep leads to decreased satiety signal and increased hunger signal
  • Underslept individuals eat more, especially starchy carbs, sugary foods, and salty foods
  • Sleep deprivation affects brain activity, leading to stronger desire for unhealthy foods and decreased impulse control
  • Sleep deprivation increases appetite-stimulating endocannabinoids, leading to weight gain
  • Lack of sufficient sleep results in 60% of weight loss coming from lean muscle mass

Tips for improving sleep

  • Maintain regular sleep schedule
  • Create darkness before bedtime to signal the brain that it's time to sleep
  • Aim for a cooler bedroom temperature to aid in falling and staying asleep
  • Avoid lying in bed awake for too long; get up and do something different
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake, as they can disrupt sleep quality

How to have & maintain a healthy brain

  • Dr. Daniel Amen emphasizes the ability to change and improve the brain.
  • Foods like fruit juice, sugar, and caffeine can negatively affect the brain, causing issues such as high blood sugar levels, low blood flow, and inflammation.
  • Inadequate blood flow can lead to various health problems, including erectile dysfunction.
  • Supplements like genko, exercise, and hyperbaric oxygen can help improve blood flow to the brain.

Loneliness accelerates dementia and brain problems

  • Isolation and loneliness during the pandemic led to a significant increase in brain problems.
  • Connecting with others is essential to combat loneliness and its negative effects on brain health.

Inflammation and its causes

  • 93% of the population is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lead to increased inflammation.
  • Gum disease can also contribute to inflammation and is linked to an increased risk of depression and dementia.

Free tools to become "super human" & "strip fat off your body"

  • Dana White achieved a transformation by using the Superhuman protocol which involves using magnetism, oxygen, and light.
  • Contacting the surface of the Earth by walking barefoot on soil, grass, or sand can help in discharging into the Earth and becoming alkaline.
  • Doing specific breathwork exercises such as deep breathing and breath holding can positively impact emotional states and oxygen levels in the body.
  • Exposing oneself to natural sunlight in the morning can reset the circadian rhythm and have positive effects on cortisol and vitamin D3 levels.

Oxygen masks and exercise

  • Using an oxygen concentrator to breathe 95% O2 while exercising for 10 minutes daily can raise oxygen levels in the blood and have health benefits.
  • Exercise with oxygen therapy has been proven to be beneficial, especially when combined with red light therapy.

Cold water plunging

  • Immersing oneself in cold water for 3 to 6 minutes can activate cold shock proteins which help in muscle repair, increasing the rate of protein synthesis, and scavenging the body of free radical oxidation.
  • Cold water plunging can lead to peripheral vasoconstriction, forcing oxygen into the core and up to the brain, and activating brown fat for thermogenesis.
  • Cold water immersion is effective for fat loss and can have a profound impact on mood due to the rush of oxygen to the brain during the process.

The myths about exercise "exercise doesn't help weight loss"

  • Exercise doesn't significantly impact weight loss without diet changes
  • Exercise can help prevent weight regain after initial loss
  • Research on exercise and weight has been influenced by large corporations
  • Artificial sweeteners may not help with weight loss and could have negative effects on health
  • Sugar conglomerates and processed food companies promote the calorie model to sell sugary products
  • Artificial sweeteners are not rigorously tested for their effects on the gut microbiome


  • There is a need to focus on the importance of diet in weight management
  • The influence of large corporations on exercise and dietary research raises concerns about misleading information
  • Encouraging a diet with more natural and bitter flavors is beneficial for health

The contagion of stress & how its causing us to put on more weight (56m53s)

  • High-performing executives often neglect their physical health, leading to brain-body disconnection.
  • Basic factors like sleep, diet, hydration, and managing stress are crucial for brain function.
  • Prolonged high levels of cortisol due to stress can cause inflammation in the body, leading to various health issues, including heart attacks.
  • Stress can be contagious, impacting individuals' stress levels based on their hierarchical position in an organization.
  • CEOs and leaders need to manage their stress as it can significantly impact the stress levels of others in the organization.
  • Excessive stress can lead to the storage of fat around the abdomen, making it difficult to lose belly fat through diet and exercise.

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