How to Grow a YouTube Channel From Nothing in 2024

12 Mar 2024 (12 months ago)
How to Grow a YouTube Channel From Nothing in 2024

Introduction (0s)

  • Izzy Cely, a YouTuber with over 500,000 subscribers, shares her journey and advice on growing a YouTube channel.
  • Izzy has grown her channel with relatively few videos and minimal effort.
  • The discussion covers practical tips, emotional challenges, and the psychology of being a YouTuber.

Who is Izzy? (48s)

  • Izzy is a successful alumna of the Part-time YouTuber Academy.
  • She grew her channel from 0 to 500,000 subscribers in approximately two years.
  • Izzy's channel focuses on personal development, language learning, health, and well-being topics.

To what extent has your YouTube channel changed your life? (1m52s)

  • Izzy's YouTube channel has completely transformed her life in every imaginable way.
  • She has made connections with interesting creators and people worldwide.
  • The channel has provided her with a platform to share her thoughts and ideas with an interested audience.
  • Financially, YouTube has brought AdSense and sponsorship opportunities.

When did YouTube become a full time income? (2m42s)

  • AdSense revenue from YouTube channel exceeded monthly salary from full-time job as a doctor.
  • Working 50 hours a week at the day job and 4 hours a week on YouTube.
  • Realized YouTube was making more money than full-time job with just AdSense.

How did you overcome the fear of starting a channel? (4m22s)

  • Had fear around posting on Instagram to 500 followers.
  • Started YouTube channel as a challenge to do the scariest thing.
  • Overcame fear by reframing it and embracing it instead of resisting it.
  • Reminded herself that probably no one would watch her videos initially.
  • No one would really care if she started a YouTube channel.
  • If she didn't try, she would never know and that would bother her.

Why did you join the Part-Time YouTuber Academy? (6m49s)

  • The speaker knew Ali from medical school and reached out to him for tips on starting a YouTube channel.
  • The speaker joined the Part-Time YouTuber Academy because it aligned with their goal of starting a YouTube channel as a fun hobby and potential side income.
  • The initial videos did not gain much traction, but they received views from other members of the YouTuber Academy.

What was your first video to blow up? (7m53s)

  • To grow a YouTube channel, create videos that answer specific questions and provide value to viewers.
  • Expertise in the topic you're discussing gives your videos a competitive advantage and resonates with viewers.
  • Personal experience and deep knowledge in a subject matter can set your content apart, but thorough research can also establish your expertise.
  • Experiment with different content types, formats, and styles early on to discover what resonates with your audience.

How much do you treat your channel like a business? (12m6s)

  • Treating a YouTube channel like a business involves prioritizing providing value to others over personal enjoyment.
  • A business focuses on monetizing a portion of the value provided, rather than solely pursuing personal interests.

Do you struggle with consistency? (12m57s)

  • Outsource tasks that are not unique to your channel or that you don't enjoy doing, even if it means sacrificing some income initially, as it can be an investment in your channel's growth.
  • Consistency is crucial, but it's acceptable to take breaks when necessary. Having a strong "why" or motivation behind your YouTube journey can help drive consistency.
  • Balancing creative passion with a business mindset is essential for long-term success. Avoid forcing yourself to create content when uninspired and instead focus on input (dedicating time to your YouTube side hustle) rather than output (number of videos per week) to reduce stress.
  • Prioritize enjoyment in the process of making videos to mitigate burnout and maintain sustainability.
  • Shift your focus from outcome-based goals (subscriber count, milestones) to consistent effort and improvement.
  • Experiment with different editing techniques and find ways to make the process more enjoyable to boost intrinsic motivation.
  • Approach YouTube similarly to other aspects of your life, seeking ways to make it more enjoyable and sustainable.

How did you get over the emotional hurdle of starting? (20m38s)

  • Overcoming emotional hurdles and maintaining consistency are essential for YouTube growth.
  • The spotlight effect is a misconception, as people are more focused on themselves than scrutinizing others.
  • Negative comments often reflect the commenter's insecurities and struggles rather than a true assessment of the content.
  • Successful YouTubers are supportive of beginners, understanding the challenges of starting out.
  • Negative comments should not deter creators from pursuing their dreams and living authentically.
  • Finding a balance between acknowledging positive comments and not being overly attached to them is important for emotional well-being.
  • It's acceptable to experience issues and challenges while growing a YouTube channel.

What do you do when filming feels hard? (25m45s)

  • Imagine you're talking to one person, like a friend or family member.
  • Remember that you have full control in the edit and can remove anything you don't like.
  • Create a Target Avatar, a specific person you imagine you're talking to.
  • Share your personal experiences to connect with your audience.

How did you get started with outsourcing and hiring? (28m30s)

  • Izzy experienced imposter syndrome and felt pressure to appear successful on her YouTube channel, despite facing challenges with consistency, negative comments, and hiring.
  • She realized that sharing her struggles could help others who feel inadequate or unsuccessful.
  • Izzy created a dedicated journal, "Business Journal," to address her feelings and thoughts about her YouTube channel.
  • She challenged limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome related to being a YouTuber and running a YouTube business.
  • Attending Tony Robbins' "Business Mastery" event helped Izzy overcome her limiting beliefs and feel more capable and open to trying new things.

Would you recommend the Part-Time YouTuber Academy? (33m57s)

  • The Part-Time YouTuber Academy is recommended for beginners or those early in their YouTube journey.
  • It provides a clear roadmap to starting a YouTube channel.
  • It distills and organizes information that is scattered and conflicting on the internet.
  • The academy helped the speaker connect with other creators and start a podcast.

What are some of the limiting beliefs that you have? (35m42s)

  • To overcome imposter syndrome, focus on sharing valuable messages through videos rather than on performance or metrics.
  • Approach video creation with a sense of lightness, ease, and enjoyment, and prioritize present moments of passion and fulfillment.
  • Serve the individual viewer who genuinely cares about the content and seeks personal growth, rather than focusing excessively on metrics and external validation.
  • Prioritize purpose and service over metrics and external validation, and use metrics like click-through rates and AB testing to inform decisions without letting them dictate the creative process.
  • Find joy and fun in content creation to produce authentic work that you are proud of, and read Ali Abdaal's book on productivity for a new approach that emphasizes joy over discipline.
  • Connect with the speaker on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms under the handle "Izzy Cely" for more content on personal development and language learning.
  • Watch another video on the channel for more YouTube tips and insights from Ali Abdaal.

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